Nordic Strength Workout:
A simple strength circuit consisting of 3 sets of push-ups, dips, and plank/side plank poses can be done at home, followed by the “8-minute Abs” Routine we do at practice.
Beginners may define one set at 10-15 push-ups, 15-20 dips, and 30 seconds of plank or side plank, using modifications as needed. Cycle through 3 sets in this fashion: 1ST SET: 10-15 push-ups, 15-25 dips, 30 seconds of plank pose; 2ND SET: 10-15 push-ups, 15-25 dips, 30 seconds of side-plank; 3RD SET: 10-15 push-ups, 15-25 dips, 30 seconds of side-plank (opposite side from 2nd set).
Advanced athletes may define one set as 30-seconds alternating through the series in this fashion: 30-seconds of push-ups, 30 seconds of dips, 30 seconds of plank pose; 30 seconds of push-ups, 30 seconds of dips, 30 seconds of side plank; 30 seconds of push-ups, 30 seconds of dips, 30 seconds of side plank (opposite side).
8-minute Abs:
Each exercise below for 30 seconds, keeping the chin off of the chest
Tricep Dips:
Side Plank & Side Plank Modifications:
A simple strength circuit consisting of 3 sets of push-ups, dips, and plank/side plank poses can be done at home, followed by the “8-minute Abs” Routine we do at practice.
Beginners may define one set at 10-15 push-ups, 15-20 dips, and 30 seconds of plank or side plank, using modifications as needed. Cycle through 3 sets in this fashion: 1ST SET: 10-15 push-ups, 15-25 dips, 30 seconds of plank pose; 2ND SET: 10-15 push-ups, 15-25 dips, 30 seconds of side-plank; 3RD SET: 10-15 push-ups, 15-25 dips, 30 seconds of side-plank (opposite side from 2nd set).
Advanced athletes may define one set as 30-seconds alternating through the series in this fashion: 30-seconds of push-ups, 30 seconds of dips, 30 seconds of plank pose; 30 seconds of push-ups, 30 seconds of dips, 30 seconds of side plank; 30 seconds of push-ups, 30 seconds of dips, 30 seconds of side plank (opposite side).
- 3 sets of 10-15 or 3 sets of 30-seconds
- Focus on keeping the back straight, creating length from the crown of the head through the bottoms of the feet; keep the chin off of the chest.
- Modification is to drop to the knees; try to do at least 3 “real” push-ups
- 3 sets of 15-25 or 3 sets of 30-seconds
- Use a chair or stair to increase strength benefit
- Modification is to use the ground; point hands toward the butt
- The bend should come from the elbows, not from the hips
- For visual cue see image below
- As we do for the last 30-seconds of 8 minute abs:
- Toes and forearms should be resting on the ground, feet are hip-width distance apart
- For more effort come off of the forearms and onto the hands (see images below)
- Focus on keeping the back straight, creating length from the crown of the head through the bottoms of the feet
- If possible it is helpful to do this (and push-ups) next to a mirror to ensure the back is straight and the butt is not jutting up or falling into the ground
- From plank pose bring feet together to touch then roll onto the outside of one foot, using that same-side forearm for stability. Opposite hand may come to rest on the hip, or lift above the head.
- For a challenge: Come up off of resting forearm and onto the hand; bring opposite arm above the head; for more challenge lift top leg. For visual see images below.
- Modification is to drop to the knee as shown below.
8-minute Abs:
Each exercise below for 30 seconds, keeping the chin off of the chest
- Crunches
- Side Crunches (both sides; 30 seconds per side)
- Lat Crunches (both sides; 30 seconds per side)
- Slow Sit-Ups
- Russian Twists/Bus Drivers/Waitresses
- Penguins/Heel Touches
- Leg Lifts
- (Up-and-down; hands below butt as needed to keep low back on the ground)
- Up-And-Out Leg Lifts
- Lay on back with legs upward at 90-degree angle, ankles flexed so heels face the ceiling; lift butt and low back up off the ground
- Bring legs in to chest then extend legs outward and hold them ~2-6 inches off of the ground (at about a 15-degree angle on image above)
- Place hands below butt to keep low back on the ground as needed
- Side Leg Lifts
- Laying on back, arms spread wide, lifting legs up to 90-degree angle, then down to touch one hand, then back up to 90-degree angle, then down to touch other hand
- Long-Legged Cruches
- cruches with legs extended long and laying flat on the ground
- Crescent Crunches (Making one half of a circle with the head/back from the “crunching” position; think of making a rainbow arch)
- Bowl Crunches (making other half of a circle with the head/back from the “crunching” position; think of making a bowl)
- Long-Legged Cruches (second set)
- Plank
Tricep Dips:
Side Plank & Side Plank Modifications: